All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
EHandshakeCommError SChannel.SyncHandshake

Specific exception class raised by PerformClientHandshake on communication failures.

ESSPIError SChannel.Utils

Specific exception class.

ISharedSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Interface with session creds for sharing between multiple sessions

TBaseTLSOptions SChannel.Utils

Abstract base class for shared TLS options storage

TBuffer SChannel.Utils

Trivial data storage

TDefaultDebugFnHoster SChannel.Utils

Class with stub debug logging function that reports messages via OutputDebugString

THandShakeData SChannel.Utils

United state and data for TLS handshake

TSChannelWSocket SChannel.IcsWSocket

ICS TWSocket descendant supporting TLS

TSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Credentials related to a connection

TSessionData SChannel.Utils

Data related to a session.

TTrustedCerts SChannel.Utils

App-local storage of trusted certs.

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.