All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
CertCheckIgnoreAll SChannel.Utils

Set of cert validation ignore flags that has all items set - use it to ignore everything

CheckServerCert SChannel.Utils

Check server certificate - variant using SessionData only

CheckServerCert SChannel.Utils

Check server certificate with a certificate that contains a common name that is not valid will be ignored.

CreateCredentials SChannel.Utils

Mainly for internal use.

CreateSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Init session creds, return data record to be used in calling other functions.

CreateSharedCreds SChannel.Utils

Shared creds factory

Debug SChannel.Utils

Print debug message either with user-defined function if set or default one (TDefaultDebugFnHoster.Debug method)

DecryptData SChannel.Utils

Decrypt data received from server.

DeleteContext SChannel.Utils

Dispose and nullify security context

DoClientHandshake SChannel.Utils

Function to prepare all necessary handshake data.

EHandshakeCommError SChannel.SyncHandshake

Specific exception class raised by PerformClientHandshake on communication failures.

EncryptData SChannel.Utils

Encrypt data (prepare for sending to server).

ESSPIError SChannel.Utils

Specific exception class.

Fin SChannel.Utils

Dispose and nullify global stuff.

FinSession SChannel.Utils

Finalize session, free credentials

FreeSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Finalize session creds

GetCertContext SChannel.Utils

Retrieve server certificate.

GetCurrentCert SChannel.Utils

Retrieve server certificate linked to current context.

GetSessionCredsPtr SChannel.Utils

Return effective pointer to session credentials - either personal or shared

GetShutdownData SChannel.Utils

Generate data to send to a server on connection shutdown

g_pSSPI SChannel.Utils


hMYCertStore SChannel.Utils


Init SChannel.Utils

Load global stuff.

InitBuffers SChannel.Utils

Receive size values for current session and init buffer length to contain full message including header and trailer


Size of handshake buffer

ISharedSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Interface with session creds for sharing between multiple sessions

IsWinHandshakeBug SChannel.Utils

Check if status is likely a Windows TLS v1.2 handshake bug (SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL or SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED status is returned by InitializeSecurityContext on handshake).

LoadSecurityLibrary SChannel.Utils

Mainly for internal use

LogPrefix SChannel.Utils

Just a suggested prefix for log output

PerformClientHandshake SChannel.SyncHandshake

Synchronously perform full handshake process including communication with server.

PSessionCreds SChannel.Utils


PSessionData SChannel.Utils


SecIsNullHandle SChannel.Utils

Check if handle x is null (has both fields equal to zero)

SecStatusErrStr SChannel.Utils

Returns string representaion of given security status (locale message + constant name + numeric value)

SSPI_FLAGS SChannel.Utils

Support a stream-oriented connection

S_Err_ListeningNotSupported SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_AddrIsIP SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_CertIsTrusted SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_CertIsValidWithFlags SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_CredsInited SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_Established SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HandshakeBug SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShExtraData SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageRFail SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageRSuccess SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW1Fail SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW1Incomplete SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW1Success SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW2Fail SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW2Incomplete SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_HShStageW2Success SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_Received SChannel.Utils

Messages that could be written to log by various implementations.

S_Msg_Renegotiate SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_Sending SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_SendingShutdown SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_SessionClosed SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_ShuttingDownTLS SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_SrvCredsAuth SChannel.Utils


S_Msg_StartingTLS SChannel.Utils


TBaseTLSOptions SChannel.Utils

Abstract base class for shared TLS options storage

TBuffer SChannel.Utils

Trivial data storage

TCertCheckIgnoreFlag SChannel.Utils

Flags to ignore some cert aspects when checking manually via CheckServerCert.

TCertCheckIgnoreFlags SChannel.Utils


TCertCheckResult SChannel.Utils

Result of CheckServerCert function

TChannelState SChannel.Utils

State of secure channel

TDebugFn SChannel.Utils

Logging method that is used by functions to report non-critical errors and handshake details.

TDefaultDebugFnHoster SChannel.Utils

Class with stub debug logging function that reports messages via OutputDebugString

THandShakeData SChannel.Utils

United state and data for TLS handshake

THandShakeStage SChannel.Utils

Detect replayed messages that have been encoded by using the EncryptMessage or MakeSignature functions Encrypt messages by using the EncryptMessage function When errors occur, the remote party will be notified The security package allocates output buffers for you.

TRecvFn SChannel.SyncHandshake

Synchronous communication method.

TSChannelWSocket SChannel.IcsWSocket

ICS TWSocket descendant supporting TLS

TSendFn SChannel.SyncHandshake

Synchronous communication method.

TSessionCreds SChannel.Utils

Credentials related to a connection

TSessionData SChannel.Utils

Data related to a session.

TSessionFlag SChannel.Utils

Session options

TSessionFlags SChannel.Utils


TTrustedCerts SChannel.Utils

App-local storage of trusted certs.

USED_ALGS SChannel.Utils

Detect messages received out of sequence


Set of used protocols.

VerifyServerCertificate SChannel.Utils

Validate certificate.

WinVerifyTrustErrorStr SChannel.Utils

Returns string representaion of given verify trust error (locale message + constant name + numeric value)

WS_OK SChannel.IcsWSocket

WinSock success code

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