All Types

Name Unit Description
PSessionCreds SChannel.Utils


PSessionData SChannel.Utils


TCertCheckIgnoreFlag SChannel.Utils

Flags to ignore some cert aspects when checking manually via CheckServerCert.

TCertCheckIgnoreFlags SChannel.Utils


TCertCheckResult SChannel.Utils

Result of CheckServerCert function

TChannelState SChannel.Utils

State of secure channel

TDebugFn SChannel.Utils

Logging method that is used by functions to report non-critical errors and handshake details.

THandShakeStage SChannel.Utils

Detect replayed messages that have been encoded by using the EncryptMessage or MakeSignature functions Encrypt messages by using the EncryptMessage function When errors occur, the remote party will be notified The security package allocates output buffers for you.

TRecvFn SChannel.SyncHandshake

Synchronous communication method.

TSendFn SChannel.SyncHandshake

Synchronous communication method.

TSessionFlag SChannel.Utils

Session options

TSessionFlags SChannel.Utils


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