All Constants

Name Unit Description
DefaultCacheImageTilesHorz OSM.MapControl

Default Width (Horizontal dimension) and Height (Vertical dimension) of cache image in number of tiles.

DefaultCacheImageTilesVert OSM.MapControl


DefaultCacheMarginSize OSM.MapControl

Default margin that is added to cache image to hold view area, in number of tiles

DefaultLabelMargin OSM.MapControl

Default size of margin for labels on map, in pixels

DefaultMapMarkCaptionStyle OSM.MapControl

Default style of mapmark caption.

DefaultMapMarkGlyphStyle OSM.MapControl

Default style of mapmark glyph.

DefaultTilePathPatt OSM.TileStorage

Default pattern of tile file path.

DefLineDrawProps OSM.MapControl

Default style of track line.

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL

Capabilities of RTL engine.

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse

Capabilities of Synapse engine

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet

Capabilities of WinInet engine


Default overall limit is 10k per process, choose reasonable number below this limit


Number of GDI handles per TBitmap


Number of GDI handles per TPngImage

HTTPProto OSM.NetworkRequest


HTTPProxyProto OSM.NetworkRequest

Prefix to add to proxy URLs if it only contains host:port - some URL parsers handle such inputs as proto:path

HTTPTLSProto OSM.NetworkRequest


LayersAll OSM.MapControl

Constant containing all numbers of layers

LayersNone OSM.MapControl

Constant containing no layers

MaxLat OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Maximal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive)

MaxLong OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Maximal possible longitude (inclusive)

MinLat OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Minimal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive)

MinLong OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Minimal possible longitude (inclusive)

ProtoSep OSM.NetworkRequest


ReqTimeout OSM.NetworkRequest

Timeout for connect and request

SampleHeaders OSM.NetworkRequest

Headers that you could add to TNetworkRequestQueue.RequestProps.HeaderLines.

SampleUserAgent OSM.NetworkRequest


SystemProxy OSM.NetworkRequest

Internal constant to designate OS-wide proxy

S_Lbl_Loading OSM.MapControl

Default pattern to draw on currently loading tiles

TileMetersPerPixelOnEquator OSM.SlippyMapUtils


Level   Degree  Area            m / pixel       ~Scale          # Tiles
0       360     whole world     156,412         1:500 million   1
1       180                     78,206          1:250 million   4
2       90                      39,103          1:150 million   16
3       45                      19,551          1:70 million    64
4       22.5                    9,776           1:35 million    256
5       11.25                   4,888           1:15 million    1,024
6       5.625                   2,444           1:10 million    4,096
7       2.813                   1,222           1:4 million     16,384
8       1.406                   610.984         1:2 million     65,536
9       0.703   wide area       305.492         1:1 million     262,144
10      0.352                   152.746         1:500,000       1,048,576
11      0.176   area            76.373          1:250,000       4,194,304
12      0.088                   38.187          1:150,000       16,777,216
13      0.044   village/town    19.093          1:70,000        67,108,864
14      0.022                   9.547           1:35,000        268,435,456
15      0.011                   4.773           1:15,000        1,073,741,824
16      0.005   small road      2.387           1:8,000         4,294,967,296
17      0.003                   1.193           1:4,000         17,179,869,184
18      0.001                   0.596           1:2,000         68,719,476,736
19      0.0005                  0.298           1:1,000         274,877,906,944
20      0.00025 mid-sized bldng 0.149           1:5,00          1,099,511,627,776


Amount of bytes that a single tile bitmap occupies in memory.


Height of map tile in pixels


Width of map tile in pixels

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.