All Constants
Name | Unit | Description |
DefaultCacheImageTilesHorz | OSM.MapControl | Default Width (Horizontal dimension) and Height (Vertical dimension) of cache image in number of tiles. |
DefaultCacheImageTilesVert | OSM.MapControl |
DefaultCacheMarginSize | OSM.MapControl | Default margin that is added to cache image to hold view area, in number of tiles |
DefaultLabelMargin | OSM.MapControl | Default size of margin for labels on map, in pixels |
DefaultMapMarkCaptionStyle | OSM.MapControl | Default style of mapmark caption. |
DefaultMapMarkGlyphStyle | OSM.MapControl | Default style of mapmark glyph. |
DefaultTilePathPatt | OSM.TileStorage | Default pattern of tile file path. |
DefLineDrawProps | OSM.MapControl | Default style of track line. |
EngineCapabilities | OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL | Capabilities of RTL engine. |
EngineCapabilities | OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse | Capabilities of Synapse engine |
EngineCapabilities | OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet | Capabilities of WinInet engine |
GDI_HANDLES_LIMIT | OSM.TileStorage | Default overall limit is 10k per process, choose reasonable number below this limit |
GDI_PER_BMP | OSM.TileStorage | Number of GDI handles per |
GDI_PER_PNG | OSM.TileStorage | Number of GDI handles per |
HTTPProto | OSM.NetworkRequest |
HTTPProxyProto | OSM.NetworkRequest | Prefix to add to proxy URLs if it only contains |
HTTPTLSProto | OSM.NetworkRequest |
LayersAll | OSM.MapControl | Constant containing all numbers of layers |
LayersNone | OSM.MapControl | Constant containing no layers |
MaxLat | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Maximal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive) |
MaxLong | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Maximal possible longitude (inclusive) |
MinLat | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Minimal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive) |
MinLong | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Minimal possible longitude (inclusive) |
ProtoSep | OSM.NetworkRequest |
ReqTimeout | OSM.NetworkRequest | Timeout for connect and request |
SampleHeaders | OSM.NetworkRequest | Headers that you could add to TNetworkRequestQueue.RequestProps.HeaderLines. |
SampleUserAgent | OSM.NetworkRequest |
SystemProxy | OSM.NetworkRequest | Internal constant to designate OS-wide proxy |
S_Lbl_Loading | OSM.MapControl | Default pattern to draw on currently loading tiles |
TileMetersPerPixelOnEquator | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | See Level Degree Area m / pixel ~Scale # Tiles 0 360 whole world 156,412 1:500 million 1 1 180 78,206 1:250 million 4 2 90 39,103 1:150 million 16 3 45 19,551 1:70 million 64 4 22.5 9,776 1:35 million 256 5 11.25 4,888 1:15 million 1,024 6 5.625 2,444 1:10 million 4,096 7 2.813 1,222 1:4 million 16,384 8 1.406 610.984 1:2 million 65,536 9 0.703 wide area 305.492 1:1 million 262,144 10 0.352 152.746 1:500,000 1,048,576 11 0.176 area 76.373 1:250,000 4,194,304 12 0.088 38.187 1:150,000 16,777,216 13 0.044 village/town 19.093 1:70,000 67,108,864 14 0.022 9.547 1:35,000 268,435,456 15 0.011 4.773 1:15,000 1,073,741,824 16 0.005 small road 2.387 1:8,000 4,294,967,296 17 0.003 1.193 1:4,000 17,179,869,184 18 0.001 0.596 1:2,000 68,719,476,736 19 0.0005 0.298 1:1,000 274,877,906,944 20 0.00025 mid-sized bldng 0.149 1:5,00 1,099,511,627,776 |
TILE_BITMAP_SIZE | OSM.TileStorage | Amount of bytes that a single tile bitmap occupies in memory. |
TILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Height of map tile in pixels |
TILE_IMAGE_WIDTH | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Width of map tile in pixels |
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