All Units
Name | Description |
OSM.MapControl | Visual control displaying a map. |
OSM.NetworkRequest | Generic (no real network implementation) classes and declarations for requesting OSM tile images from network. |
OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL | Implements blocking HTTP request with HTTP class from RTL. |
OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse | Implements blocking HTTP request with Synapse framework. |
OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet | Implements blocking HTTP request with WinInet. |
OSM.SlippyMapUtils | OSM map types & functions. |
OSM.TilesProvider | Generic (no real implementation) base class for tile image provider. |
OSM.TilesProvider.Google | Google tile image provider. |
OSM.TilesProvider.HERE | HERE tile image provider. |
OSM.TilesProvider.OpenTopoMap | OpenTopoMap tile image provider. |
OSM.TilesProvider.OSM | OpenStreetMap tile image provider. |
OSM.TilesProvider.TwoGIS | 2GIS tile image provider. |
OSM.TileStorage | OSM tile images cache. |
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