All Types

Name Unit Description
PMapMarkCaptionStyle OSM.MapControl


PMapMarkGlyphStyle OSM.MapControl


PTile OSM.SlippyMapUtils


TBlockingNetworkRequestProc OSM.NetworkRequest

Generic type of blocking network request procedure.

TGotTileCallbackBgThr OSM.NetworkRequest

Generic type of method to call when request is completed
! Called from the context of a background thread !

THttpRequestCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest


THttpRequestCapability OSM.NetworkRequest

Capabilities that a network engine has

TMapLayer OSM.MapControl

Number of a layer.

TMapLayers OSM.MapControl


TMapMarkCustomProp OSM.MapControl

Flags to indicate which properties must be taken from MapMark object when drawing.

TMapMarkCustomProps OSM.MapControl


TMapMarkFindOption OSM.MapControl

Options for TMapMarkList.Find.

TMapMarkFindOptions OSM.MapControl


TMapMarkGlyphShape OSM.MapControl

Shape of mapmark glyph

TMapMouseMode OSM.MapControl

Mode of current handling of mouse events:

TMapOption OSM.MapControl

Options of map control

TMapOptions OSM.MapControl


TMapZoomLevel OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Map zoom.

TNetworkClient OSM.NetworkRequest

Base class for network client object.

TOnDrawLayer OSM.MapControl

Callback to custom draw a visible layer of whole map view.

TOnDrawMapMark OSM.MapControl

Callback to custom draw a mapmark or just a glyph with center point Point.

TOnDrawTile OSM.MapControl

Callback to draw an image of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum) at point TopLeft on canvas Canvas.

TOnGetTile OSM.MapControl

Callback to get an image of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum).

TOnItemNotify OSM.MapControl

Notification that item is added to the list or removed from it

TOnMapMarkMouseButtonEvent OSM.MapControl

Callback to react on mouse button press/release

TOnSelectionBox OSM.MapControl

Callback to react on selection by mouse

TOpacity OSM.MapControl

Opacity level, from 0 (transparent) to $FF (non-transparent)

TRequiredProperties OSM.TilesProvider


TTileProviderFeature OSM.TilesProvider

Specific feature of a tile provider

TTileProviderFeatures OSM.TilesProvider


TTilesProviderClass OSM.TilesProvider


TTileStorageOption OSM.TileStorage

Flags for TTileStorage

TTileStorageOptions OSM.TileStorage


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