All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
CalcLinDistanceInMeter OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Calculates distance between two geo points in meters

CheckEngineCap OSM.NetworkRequest

Check if capability is in set of capabilities and raise exception if not

CheckEngineCaps OSM.NetworkRequest

Check if a network engine is capable of handling all the request properties.

CheckHTTPError OSM.NetworkRequest

Check if response code means HTTP error, raise exception then

DefaultCacheImageTilesHorz OSM.MapControl

Default Width (Horizontal dimension) and Height (Vertical dimension) of cache image in number of tiles.

DefaultCacheImageTilesVert OSM.MapControl


DefaultCacheMarginSize OSM.MapControl

Default margin that is added to cache image to hold view area, in number of tiles

DefaultLabelMargin OSM.MapControl

Default size of margin for labels on map, in pixels

DefaultMapMarkCaptionStyle OSM.MapControl

Default style of mapmark caption.

DefaultMapMarkGlyphStyle OSM.MapControl

Default style of mapmark glyph.

DefaultTilePathPatt OSM.TileStorage

Default pattern of tile file path.

DefLineDrawProps OSM.MapControl

Default style of track line.

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL

Capabilities of RTL engine.

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse

Capabilities of Synapse engine

EngineCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet

Capabilities of WinInet engine

EnsureInMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Ensures point Pt is inside a map at zoom level Zoom, corrects values if necessary

EnsureInMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Ensures rect Rc is inside a map at zoom level Zoom, corrects values if necessary

FormatTileURL OSM.TilesProvider

Format URL for a given tile using OpenLayers-compatible URL template.


Default overall limit is 10k per process, choose reasonable number below this limit


Number of GDI handles per TBitmap


Number of GDI handles per TPngImage

GeoCoordsToMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts geo point in degrees to map point in pixels

GeoCoordsToMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts geo rect in degrees to map rect in pixels

GetScaleBarParams OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Calculates parameters of map scalebar according to zoom level Zoom

GetSystemProxy OSM.NetworkRequest

Overload when addresses to bypass proxy are not of interest

GetSystemProxy OSM.NetworkRequest

Retrieve system proxy for given URL (http, https).

HTTPProto OSM.NetworkRequest


HTTPProxyProto OSM.NetworkRequest

Prefix to add to proxy URLs if it only contains host:port - some URL parsers handle such inputs as proto:path

HTTPTLSProto OSM.NetworkRequest


InMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Checks if point Pt is inside a map at zoom level Zoom

InMap OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Checks if rect Rc is inside a map at zoom level Zoom

IsHTTPError OSM.NetworkRequest

Return true if response code means HTTP error

LatitudeToMapCoord OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts geo coord in degrees to map coord in pixels

LayersAll OSM.MapControl

Constant containing all numbers of layers

LayersNone OSM.MapControl

Constant containing no layers

LongitudeToMapCoord OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts geo coord in degrees to map coord in pixels

MapCoordToLatitude OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts map coord in pixels to geo coord in degrees

MapCoordToLongitude OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts map coord in pixels to geo coord in degrees

MapHeight OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Returns height of map at zoom level Zoom in pixels

MapToGeoCoords OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts map point in pixels to geo point in degrees

MapToGeoCoords OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Converts map rect in pixels to geo rect in degrees

MapWidth OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Returns width of map at zoom level Zoom in pixels

MaxLat OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Maximal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive)

MaxLong OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Maximal possible longitude (inclusive)

MinLat OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Minimal possible latitude for used Web Mercator projection (inclusive)

MinLong OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Minimal possible longitude (inclusive)

NetworkRequest OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL

Procedure executing a network request.

NetworkRequest OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse

System proxy implemented manually via GetSystemProxy call Procedure executing a network request.

NetworkRequest OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet

Procedure executing a network request.

PMapMarkCaptionStyle OSM.MapControl


PMapMarkGlyphStyle OSM.MapControl


ProtoSep OSM.NetworkRequest


PTile OSM.SlippyMapUtils


RectByCenterAndSize OSM.MapControl

Return rectangle with center point in CenterPt and with size Size

RectFromPoints OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Construct TRect from two TPoint-s

RegisterTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider

Add class of tiles provider to global TilesProviders array.

ReqTimeout OSM.NetworkRequest

Timeout for connect and request

SampleHeaders OSM.NetworkRequest

Headers that you could add to TNetworkRequestQueue.RequestProps.HeaderLines.

SampleUserAgent OSM.NetworkRequest


ShiftStateIs OSM.MapControl

Determine whether current ShiftState corresponds to desired one (that is, if mouse button and pressed modifiers are the same - not a simple comparison because TShiftState could include additional entries like "Pen", "Touch" and so on.

SystemProxy OSM.NetworkRequest

Internal constant to designate OS-wide proxy

S_Lbl_Loading OSM.MapControl

Default pattern to draw on currently loading tiles

T2GISTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider.TwoGIS

2GIS tile image provider

TBlockingNetworkRequestProc OSM.NetworkRequest

Generic type of blocking network request procedure.

TCacheLimits OSM.TileStorage

Limits of tile cache in memory

TChildObjList OSM.MapControl

Base wrapper for list of map's child objects (mapmarks, tracks).

TDummyTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider

Dummy tile provider class, used as a stub in map control if no real provider is assigned.

TGeoPoint OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Point on a map defined by longitude and latitude.

TGeoRect OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Region on a map defined by two pairs of longitude and latitude.

TGoogleTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider.Google

Google tile image provider

TGotTileCallbackBgThr OSM.NetworkRequest

Generic type of method to call when request is completed
! Called from the context of a background thread !

THERETilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider.HERE

HERE tile image provider

THttpRequestCapabilities OSM.NetworkRequest


THttpRequestCapability OSM.NetworkRequest

Capabilities that a network engine has

THttpRequestProps OSM.NetworkRequest

Generic properties of request.

TileCount OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Returns count of tiles on Zoom level (= 2ˆZoom)

TileMetersPerPixelOnEquator OSM.SlippyMapUtils


Level   Degree  Area            m / pixel       ~Scale          # Tiles
0       360     whole world     156,412         1:500 million   1
1       180                     78,206          1:250 million   4
2       90                      39,103          1:150 million   16
3       45                      19,551          1:70 million    64
4       22.5                    9,776           1:35 million    256
5       11.25                   4,888           1:15 million    1,024
6       5.625                   2,444           1:10 million    4,096
7       2.813                   1,222           1:4 million     16,384
8       1.406                   610.984         1:2 million     65,536
9       0.703   wide area       305.492         1:1 million     262,144
10      0.352                   152.746         1:500,000       1,048,576
11      0.176   area            76.373          1:250,000       4,194,304
12      0.088                   38.187          1:150,000       16,777,216
13      0.044   village/town    19.093          1:70,000        67,108,864
14      0.022                   9.547           1:35,000        268,435,456
15      0.011                   4.773           1:15,000        1,073,741,824
16      0.005   small road      2.387           1:8,000         4,294,967,296
17      0.003                   1.193           1:4,000         17,179,869,184
18      0.001                   0.596           1:2,000         68,719,476,736
19      0.0005                  0.298           1:1,000         274,877,906,944
20      0.00025 mid-sized bldng 0.149           1:5,00          1,099,511,627,776

TilesEqual OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Compares tiles

TilesProviders OSM.TilesProvider

Global list of registered tiles providers.

TileToStr OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Returns standartized string representation of Tile

TileValid OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Checks Tile fields for validity


Amount of bytes that a single tile bitmap occupies in memory.


Height of map tile in pixels


Width of map tile in pixels

TLineDrawProps OSM.MapControl

Options for drawing track lines

TMapControl OSM.MapControl

Control displaying a map or its visible part.

TMapLayer OSM.MapControl

Number of a layer.

TMapLayers OSM.MapControl


TMapMark OSM.MapControl

Class representing a single mapmark.

TMapMarkCaptionStyle OSM.MapControl

Visual properties of mapmark's caption

TMapMarkCustomProp OSM.MapControl

Flags to indicate which properties must be taken from MapMark object when drawing.

TMapMarkCustomProps OSM.MapControl


TMapMarkFindOption OSM.MapControl

Options for TMapMarkList.Find.

TMapMarkFindOptions OSM.MapControl


TMapMarkGlyphShape OSM.MapControl

Shape of mapmark glyph

TMapMarkGlyphStyle OSM.MapControl

Visual properties of mapmark's glyph

TMapMarkList OSM.MapControl

List of mapmarks.

TMapMouseMode OSM.MapControl

Mode of current handling of mouse events:

TMapOption OSM.MapControl

Options of map control

TMapOptions OSM.MapControl


TMapZoomLevel OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Map zoom.

TNetworkClient OSM.NetworkRequest

Base class for network client object.

TNetworkRequestQueue OSM.NetworkRequest

Queuer of network requests.

ToInnerCoords OSM.MapControl

Convert absolute map coords to a point inside a viewport having given top-left point

ToInnerCoords OSM.MapControl

Convert absolute map rect to a rect inside a viewport having given top-left point

TOnDrawLayer OSM.MapControl

Callback to custom draw a visible layer of whole map view.

TOnDrawMapMark OSM.MapControl

Callback to custom draw a mapmark or just a glyph with center point Point.

TOnDrawTile OSM.MapControl

Callback to draw an image of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum) at point TopLeft on canvas Canvas.

TOnGetTile OSM.MapControl

Callback to get an image of a single tile having number (TileHorzNum;TileVertNum).

TOnItemNotify OSM.MapControl

Notification that item is added to the list or removed from it

TOnMapMarkMouseButtonEvent OSM.MapControl

Callback to react on mouse button press/release

TOnSelectionBox OSM.MapControl

Callback to react on selection by mouse

ToOuterCoords OSM.MapControl

Convert a point inside a viewport having given top-left point to absolute map coords

ToOuterCoords OSM.MapControl

Convert a rect inside a viewport having given top-left point to absolute map rect

TOpacity OSM.MapControl

Opacity level, from 0 (transparent) to $FF (non-transparent)

TOpenTopoMapTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider.OpenTopoMap

OpenStreetMap tile image provider

TOSMTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider.OSM

OpenStreetMap tile image provider

ToTileBoundary OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Align absolute map rect to tile boundaries

ToTileHeightGreater OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Ceil vertical map coord to tile size

ToTileHeightLesser OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Floor vertical map coord to tile size

ToTileWidthGreater OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Ceil horizontal map coord to tile size

ToTileWidthLesser OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Floor horizontal map coord to tile size

TPropertyValue OSM.TilesProvider

Value and description of one option of a required property that is used to generate tile URL

TRequiredProperties OSM.TilesProvider


TRequiredProperty OSM.TilesProvider

Value and description of a required property that is used to generate tile URL.

Triangle OSM.MapControl

Draw triangle on canvas

TTile OSM.SlippyMapUtils

Properties of a map tile

TTileObjectCache OSM.TileStorage

Abstract object cache class indexed by tiles with fixed capacity organised as queue.

TTileProviderFeature OSM.TilesProvider

Specific feature of a tile provider

TTileProviderFeatures OSM.TilesProvider


TTilesProvider OSM.TilesProvider

Abstract base class for tile image provider.

TTilesProviderClass OSM.TilesProvider


TTilesProviderWithProps OSM.TilesProvider

Tiles provider that implements storing of properties

TTileStorage OSM.TileStorage

Class that encapsulates memory and file cache of tile images.

TTileStorageOption OSM.TileStorage

Flags for TTileStorage

TTileStorageOptions OSM.TileStorage


TTrack OSM.MapControl

Track data

TTrackList OSM.MapControl

List of tracks.

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.