All Functions and Procedures
Name | Unit | Description |
CalcLinDistanceInMeter | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Calculates distance between two geo points in meters |
CheckEngineCap | OSM.NetworkRequest | Check if capability is in set of capabilities and raise exception if not |
CheckEngineCaps | OSM.NetworkRequest | Check if a network engine is capable of handling all the request properties. |
CheckHTTPError | OSM.NetworkRequest | Check if response code means HTTP error, raise exception then |
EnsureInMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Ensures point |
EnsureInMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Ensures rect |
FormatTileURL | OSM.TilesProvider | Format URL for a given tile using OpenLayers-compatible URL template. |
GeoCoordsToMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts geo rect in degrees to map rect in pixels |
GeoCoordsToMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts geo point in degrees to map point in pixels |
GetScaleBarParams | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Calculates parameters of map scalebar according to zoom level |
GetSystemProxy | OSM.NetworkRequest | Overload when addresses to bypass proxy are not of interest |
GetSystemProxy | OSM.NetworkRequest | Retrieve system proxy for given URL (http, https). |
InMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Checks if rect |
InMap | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Checks if point |
IsHTTPError | OSM.NetworkRequest | Return true if response code means HTTP error |
LatitudeToMapCoord | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts geo coord in degrees to map coord in pixels |
LongitudeToMapCoord | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts geo coord in degrees to map coord in pixels |
MapCoordToLatitude | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts map coord in pixels to geo coord in degrees |
MapCoordToLongitude | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts map coord in pixels to geo coord in degrees |
MapHeight | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Returns height of map at zoom level |
MapToGeoCoords | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts map rect in pixels to geo rect in degrees |
MapToGeoCoords | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Converts map point in pixels to geo point in degrees |
MapWidth | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Returns width of map at zoom level |
NetworkRequest | OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL | Procedure executing a network request. |
NetworkRequest | OSM.NetworkRequest.Synapse | System proxy implemented manually via GetSystemProxy call Procedure executing a network request. |
NetworkRequest | OSM.NetworkRequest.WinInet | Procedure executing a network request. |
RectByCenterAndSize | OSM.MapControl | Return rectangle with center point in CenterPt and with size Size |
RectFromPoints | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Construct |
RegisterTilesProvider | OSM.TilesProvider | Add class of tiles provider to global TilesProviders array. |
ShiftStateIs | OSM.MapControl | Determine whether current ShiftState corresponds to desired one (that is, if mouse button and pressed modifiers are the same - not a simple comparison because TShiftState could include additional entries like "Pen", "Touch" and so on. |
TileCount | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Returns count of tiles on |
TilesEqual | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Compares tiles |
TileToStr | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Returns standartized string representation of |
TileValid | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Checks |
ToInnerCoords | OSM.MapControl | Convert absolute map rect to a rect inside a viewport having given top-left point |
ToInnerCoords | OSM.MapControl | Convert absolute map coords to a point inside a viewport having given top-left point |
ToOuterCoords | OSM.MapControl | Convert a point inside a viewport having given top-left point to absolute map coords |
ToOuterCoords | OSM.MapControl | Convert a rect inside a viewport having given top-left point to absolute map rect |
ToTileBoundary | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Align absolute map rect to tile boundaries |
ToTileHeightGreater | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Ceil vertical map coord to tile size |
ToTileHeightLesser | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Floor vertical map coord to tile size |
ToTileWidthGreater | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Ceil horizontal map coord to tile size |
ToTileWidthLesser | OSM.SlippyMapUtils | Floor horizontal map coord to tile size |
Triangle | OSM.MapControl | Draw |
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