Class T2GISTilesProvider



type T2GISTilesProvider = class(TTilesProviderWithProps)


2GIS tile image provider




Public nested const DefTilesCopyright = '(c) 2GIS';
Public nested const DefTileURLPatt = 'http://tile{0-4}{x}&y={y}&z={z}&v=1&ts=online_sd{lng}';
Public nested const OptionLng: record Name, Descr: string; Values: array[0..1] of TPropertyValue; end = ( Name: 'lng'; Descr: 'Map language'; Values: ( (Value: '_ar'; Descr: 'English'), (Value: ''; Descr: 'Russian')) );


Public constructor Create; override;
Public class function Name: string; override;
Public function GetTileURL(const Tile: TTile): string; override;
Public function StorageID: string; override;



Public nested const DefTilesCopyright = '(c) 2GIS';

Default copyright text

Public nested const DefTileURLPatt = 'http://tile{0-4}{x}&y={y}&z={z}&v=1&ts=online_sd{lng}';

Default pattern of tile URL

Public nested const OptionLng: record Name, Descr: string; Values: array[0..1] of TPropertyValue; end = ( Name: 'lng'; Descr: 'Map language'; Values: ( (Value: '_ar'; Descr: 'English'), (Value: ''; Descr: 'Russian')) );

"lng" option of the URL


Public constructor Create; override;

This item has no description.

Public class function Name: string; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TTilesProvider.Name.

Function to return displayable provider name. Name could be used for selection in UI, file paths etc. There's no special limitations on the format of this string so when using it for something other than simple display, the value probably must be validated/preprocessed. The only recommendation is to keep the name short.

Public function GetTileURL(const Tile: TTile): string; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TTilesProvider.GetTileURL.

Method to get URL of specified tile. Uses TileURLPatt

Public function StorageID: string; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TTilesProvider.StorageID.

Function to return current provider's ID for storage. It could depend on current values of properties (f.ex., streets/satellite). There's no special limitations on the format of this string so when using it for storage, the value probably must be validated/preprocessed. The only recommendation is to keep the name short. By default returns result of Name method.

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